23 July 2013

21 July 2013

audio and playlist from yesterday listening party

http://mixlr.com/robbie_eleckt/showreel/haunted-my-ass-new-album-test-listening-party/ playlist from yesterday listening party: playlist from yesterday listening party

10 July 2013

r_e_r newsletter #1 July 2013

archivisation stage should begin very very soon. you'll be able to find rer recordings on bandcamp and archive.org. and, if their shitty upload system allows, also on last.fm. and there'll be regular temporary heads-upz at soundcloud. no, it's not a start of another short-lived net-label, it's a way to catalogue my recordings and recordings by friends and other interesting people. organising stuff usually HELPS. RER01 IS COMING VERY SOON so stay tuned....and don't forget to laugh at everything.